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Family Ideas Network for Down Syndrome 

Serving McHenry County Illinois & Surrounding Communities

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Resources for new parents


FINDS Board Members - reach out to talk or get connected with someone in our group.

It can be scary finding you are going to have a baby with Down Syndrome.  This page will provide some helpful resources that will help you with a path to best help your loved one.

  1. and foremost, treat them as a child.  Give them love, comfort, support.  See them for what they are.  A very young child that needs you to be there for them.
  2. Get their health checked.  It is common for children with DS to have heart problems.  Getting these identified and a treatment plan in place early will ensure they have the best chance at a wonderful life.
  3. Get Connected.  Find a local support group and connect with regional and national resources.
    • NADS - National Association for Down Syndrome
    • NDSS - National Down Syndrome Society
    • Ups for Downs - Schaumburg based Down Sydrome Parent Support Group
    • FINDS - This organization - reach out to us and we'll be thrilled to talk and connect you with other local families.  Come to an event.  Have fun.
  4. Early Intervention.  In Illinois, we have access to Early Intervention resources.  You can get your child evaluated and get them into therapies.  Some therapies to look into are: 
    • physical therapy
    • occupational therapy
    • speech therapy

  5. Books we recommend for new parents (all links go to Amazon):