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Family Ideas Network for Down Syndrome 

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Transition and Household Tasks Survey

Published on 12/11/2019
Thank you for your interest in participating in this study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent that individuals between the ages of 14-22 with intellectual disability are engaging in household tasks. Additionally, this study seeks to understand the relation between engagement in household tasks and parental expectations for employment outcomes.

As a reminder, to be eligible to participate in this study you need to be:
(a) A legal parent of a transition-aged youth (i.e. between the ages of 14-22) with intellectual disability, and
(b) your child currently lives with you.

Below is a link to take the questionnaire online. The questionnaire should take less than 20 minutes to complete.

To thank you for your participation, you will have the option to participate in a drawing to receive one of twenty-five $20 Amazon gift cards. This is optional and your enrollment into the drawing will not be linked to your questionnaire responses.

You may open the survey in your web browser by clicking the link below:
If the link above does not work, try copying the link below into your web browser:
This link is unique to you and should not be forwarded to others, but please consider sharing the parent flyer with other parents who may be interested in participating in the study.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this study.  If you'd like more information, here is the attached flyer.

Warm regards,


Kimberly Patton
Doctoral Candidate
University of Illinois
Department of Special Education